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University of Gwadar has earned a distinguished place in the country by achieving its target in the last two years. Pro-Vice-Chancellor UG.

University of Gwadar has earned a distinguished place in the country by achieving its target in the last two years. Pro-Vice-Chancellor UG.

  • 15 Dec, 2023


The 5th meeting of the Academic Council was chaired by the University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor UG Prof. Syed Manzoor Ahmed in the conference room of the university on 15th December 2023.

The Academic Council of the University of Gwadar discussed several academic matters and made important decisions aimed at further improving the education standard at the University.

In the meeting, the members of the Academic Council, Registrar Gwadar University Dolat Khan, Controller of Examinations and Director of QEC Dr. Kamber Farooq, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad, Chairman Department of Economics Mukhtar Bashir, Department of Commerce Zainul Abideen, Chairman Management Sciences Department Fida Hussain, Chairman Computer Science and Chemistry Department Madam Haim Gul, Chairman Education Department Madam Shahnaz Noor, Chairman English Department Madam Sadia Naseer and University Librarian Ghulam Sarwar attended.

In his welcome note, the Pro-Vice Chancellor thanked all members for their active participation in the meeting. Highlighting the significant role of the Academic Council in promoting quality education, he emphasized to use of all resources to take the University to the next level and bring about academic excellence in the University.

Pro-Vice Chancellor UG said UG has earned a distinguished place in the country by achieving its target in the last two years. He said that durable planning is underway with the support of HEC to meet future challenges in the field of higher education.

The forum extensively deliberated and resolved different agenda items including the adoption of the HEC Graduate Education Policy 2023 and revision of Graduate Rules, adoption of HEC Undergraduate Policy 2023, Mission/Vision and Strategic Plan 2024 for the Annual Academic Calendar 2024.

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