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Department of Computer Science - University Of Gwadar

Department of Computer Science

Chairperson's Message

It is with immense pleasure and excitement that I welcome you to the Department of Computer Science at the University of Gwadar. As Chairperson, I am deeply honored to lead a department that is poised to become a hub of innovation and technological excellence in the region.

The digital revolution is transforming our world at an unprecedented pace, and the demand for skilled computer science professionals is greater than ever. Here at the University of Gwadar, we are committed to equipping our students with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary to thrive in this dynamic landscape.

The University of Gwadar is strategically located in a region with immense potential for growth and development. The opportunities for our graduates are vast, as Gwadar becomes a key player in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). We aim to prepare our students to not only meet the demands of the current job market but also to become leaders and innovators who will shape the future of technology in Gwadar and beyond.

Shayhaq Ali
Lecturer Department of Computer Science

Introduction and Background

The University of Gwadar's Department of Computer Science is one of the predecessor departments, have been established in 2017 as an undergraduate program in conjunction with the campus's opening. Computers and digital communication have become a fundamental component of the infrastructure of business, government, research, and even regular social contact as a result of the digital era.

Scientists hold the keys to the next generation's routine wonders, as the speed of innovation and technological growth accelerates. growth accelerates. The University of Gwadar's Department of Computer Science is well positioned to help those future intellectual leaders, entrepreneurs, thinkers, and innovators to succeed.

The University of Gwadar, as an institution, ensures that its students have a life-changing experience. At the University of Gwadar, you can study computer science in a variety of ways to suit your needs. Whether you want an in-depth education in computer science's conceptual foundations and complex software and hardware systems, an informed understanding of the aesthetic aspects of digital media design, expertise in the design and analysis of the complex networks that are reshaping our society, or to learn more about artificial intelligence, computer vision, control systems, dynamics, machine learning, or the programming that will produce tomorrow's inn.

At our departmental events, presentations by outstanding leaders in their fields add rigour, breadth, and relevance to the research and education experience. The University of Gwadar fosters an academic environment in which research and education are informed by one another. We invite you to join us at the Department of Computer Science, which is an exciting place to be.

Vision Statement

To establish the Department of Computer Science as a hub of excellence, empowering students to lead in the evolving digital landscape of Gwadar and Pakistan.

Mission Statement

The Computer Science Department aspires to excellence in the creation, application, and transmission of knowledge in computer science, as well as the establishment of an exceptional community of students and teachers dedicated to innovative scientific and knowledge research and education for the benefit of participants, Gwadar, Pakistan, and the rest of the globe.


  • To offer high-quality, all-encompassing educational programs and services, as well as educational and training opportunities that may be tailored to meet changing demands.
  • To give a solid foundation of information, skills, and critical thinking abilities as well as to understand and respect variety and differences.
  • To connect basic principles to practical applications and to prepare students for work in a variety of settings or for further study and a profession requiring knowledge and skills in information technology.

Teaching Faculty

Shayhaq Ali's Image
Shayhaq Ali
Chairperson , Director of IT , Lecturer
Muhammad Akram's Image
Muhammad Akram
Haim Gul's Image
Haim Gul
MS Computer Science | COMSAT University Islamabad (xxxx),
Hafeez Ullah's Image
Hafeez Ullah
Lecturer (On Study Leave)
MS Computer Science | Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi | PK (2023),
Jaweria Nabi Bakhsh's Image
Jaweria Nabi Bakhsh
Lab Instructor
MS Computer Science | Virtual Universiyt of Pakistan | PK ((in-progress)),
BS Information Technology | University of Turbat | PK (2021),
Faisal Ahmed's Image
Faisal Ahmed
Teaching Fellow
MS in Applied Mathematics | NED University of Engineering and Technology Karachi |PK (in progress),
MSc. in Applied Mathematics | University of Karachi | PK (2021),
B.Sc in Math & Physics | University of Balochistan Quetta | PK (2018),
Nasir Ali's Image
Nasir Ali
Web Developer , Teaching Fellow
MS Software Engineering | Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi | PK (2024),
BS Information Technology | University of Sindh Jamshoro | PK (2019),
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