University of Gwadar becomes member of CPEC Consortium of Universities

University of Gwadar becomes member of CPEC Consortium of Universities

  • 23 Aug, 2024

The University of Gwadar (UG) has been named one of the members of the CPEC Consortium of Universities. As a member of the Consortium, the University of Gwadar will pursue academic and research projects aligned with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The application for this membership was channeled through the department of the CPEC Study Centre (CPECSC). Dr. Safdar Ali Shah, the Director General of the CPEC Consortium at the Higher Education Commission in Islamabad, has confirmed the inclusion through one of his official letters. Academic collaboration under the CPEC Consortium of Universities is anticipated to support promising research partnerships between Pakistan and China, aiming at finding solutions to CPEC-related problems through joint research. Vice Chancellor UG Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir and Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Syed Manzoor Ahmed lauded the team of the CPEC Study Centre on this achievement.

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