Students of the University of Gwadar organized an awareness session on “Digital Detox”.

  • 30 Nov, 2023


Students of the Management Science and Commerce Department of the University of Gwadar took the initiative to organize an insightful awareness session on the topic of "Digital Detox." on November 30th, 2023 at the University seminar hall.

The session aimed to educate participants about the importance of reducing digital device usage for improved mental and physical well-being.

Knowledgeable speakers and experts in the field of mental health and technology were invited to share insights on the consequences of prolonged digital exposure. The session was delivered by the guest speaker from Indus Hospital Gwadar Development Authority Dr. Mohaib Haibitan. Dr. Mohib highlighted the issues related to the excessive use of digital media and the importance of digital detoxification in our relationships, mental health, and healthy lives.

The second speaker was Mr. Nasir, an IT expert from the Computer Science department and Head Coach of Virtual University. He highlighted important stats, benefits, and problems with digital usage and the process of digital detoxification.

The Awareness session concluded with an interactive question and answer session, allowing the participants to seek clarification on specific aspects of digital detox and personalized advice.

At the end head of the Department of Management Sciences, Mr. Fida Hussain thanked the guests and presented shields to the speakers on behalf of Worthy Vice UG Chancellor Prof. Dr Abdul Razzaq Sabir.

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