PCT&VI Gwadar is developing a collection of the best platforms for youth skilling. Khalil ur Rehman Hashimi

  • 31 Dec, 2023


Visit of Pakistani Ambassador to China to Pak China Technical and Vocational Institute University of Gwadar.

Pakistani Ambassador to China Khalil ur Rehman Hashmi visited Pak China Technical & Vocational Institute University of Gwadar. On this occasion, Chairman Gwadar Port Authority Passand Khan Buledi was also accompanied by him.

On the occasion, the Ambassador said that Pak China Technical and Vocational Institute in Gwadar is developing a collection of the best platforms for youth skilling.

PS to Executive Director PCT&VI UG Mr. Musaib briefed the Ambassador about the different departments, trainers, and diploma courses of the Institute. Administrative staff were also present on this occasion.


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