Pak-China Technical & Vocational Institute held Successful Project Presentations by Batch I of the IT Diploma Program

  • 31 May, 2024

The Pak-China Technical & Vocational Institute (PCT&VI) held the final project presentations for Batch I of their One-Year IT Diploma program in the PCT&VI conference room. The event marked a significant milestone for the students, who showcased and successfully defended their impressive projects.

The presentations highlighted the students' remarkable talent and hard work. Each project demonstrated the extensive knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program. The audience, comprising faculty, external examiners, and peers, was highly impressed by the quality and innovation displayed in the projects.

The students' efforts were supervised by Mr. Akram Rasheed, a visiting instructor at PCT&VI, whose guidance and mentorship were pivotal in shaping the successful outcomes of the projects.

Mr. Shayhaq Ali, a lecturer at the Computer Science Department and Acting Director of IT at the University of Gwadar, along with Muhammad Ayoub, a computer programmer at the Gwadar Port Authority, served as external examiners. They provided valuable feedback and praised the students' dedication and proficiency. They also encouraged the students to continue pursuing future opportunities in the IT field.

The event was a testament to PCTVI's commitment to providing high-quality technical education and fostering the next generation of IT professionals in the region

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