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Dr. Rabia - University of Gwadar

Department of Education

Dr. Rabia

Director QEC , Assistant Professor

Specializations: Educational Leadership & Management , Assesment and Evaluation


Phone: (+92)-300-267-8730

Dr. Rabia


  • PhD ELM | Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology Karachi | PK (2022)
  • M.Phil Education | Hamdard University Karachi | PK (2017)
  • M.Ed | Hamdard University Karachi | PK (2014)
  • B.Ed | Allama Iqbal Open University | PK (2012)
  • M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry) | University of Karachi | PK (2012)

Journal Publications

  1. WFH on educators' wellbeing: mediating role of institutional head's support and moderating role of employees' self-efficacy at university level - Journal of Professional Capital and Community (7(3) | 305-326, 2022)
  2. Investigating Knowledge Management Practices in an EFL Context in Pakistan - Sage Open (12(2) | 1-12, 2022)
  3. Impact of social networking sites usage on university students’ self-regulated learning: Mediating role of students’ academic engagement - Journal of Xidian University (15(10) | 296-302, 2021)
  4. Intervening through modern digital literacy tools to enrich English writing skills: A case of Elementary students - Journal of Xidian University (15(9) | 82-91, 2021)
  5. Secondary School Teachers’ Knowledge and Practices about Constructive Feedback: Evidence from Karachi Pakistan - Cakrawala Pendidikan (40(2) |532-543, 2021)
  6. Impact of technological pedagogical content knowledge on teachers’ digital proficiency at classroom in higher education institution of Pakistan - Interactive Technology and Smart Education (18(1) | 119-130, 2021)
  7. Cooperative learning academic and social gain: A study of mediating role of teacher’s feedback - Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews (9(3) | 169-181, 2021)
  8. Entrepreneurship skills among young learner through play strategy: a qualitative study - Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews (9(2) | 64-74, 2021)
  9. Implication of knowledge management at secondary level in EFL classrooms - International Journal of Innovation Creativity and Change (14(9) | 96-113, 2020)
  10. Formative assessment in Elementary English classroom: A case study of Semi-Government organization of Pakistan - Academic Research International (11(2) | 1-9, 2020)
  11. Instructional leadership style of secondary schools’ head and their gender-wise effect on teachers’ job performance - Language in India (20(4) | 132-146, 2020)
  12. Perceptions and practices of science teachers about professional development at secondary school level: A phenomenological study - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (3(1) | 9-15, 2019)
  13. Effectiveness of assessment tools of Chemistry used by the Board of Secondary Education Karachi - Academic Research International (8(3) | 55-64, 2017)
  14. Constructive Feedback: A Key to Maximize Students’ Motivation towards Science at Secondary Level - Journal of Social Sciences and Media Studies (JOSSAMS) (8(1) | 66-77, 2024)
  15. Effectiveness of Group Work on Students’ Academic Performance in Mathematics at Primary Level: An Action Research - Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences (5(2) | 372-378, 2024)
  16. Constructive Feedback Intervention for Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Pakistan - UMT Education Review (6(1) | 81–105, 2023)
  17. Teachers’ Perceptions about Students’ Learning Outcome (SLO) based Assessment: A Case study of Govt. Colleges of Sukkur Sindh - Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) (3(1) | 135-139, 2023)
  18. Impact of Child Abuse on the Academic Performance and Personality Development of Young Adult Students of Karachi Pakistan - Pakistan Social Sciences Review (6(1) | 96-108, 2022)
  19. Critical Analysis of the Academic Performance of Students at High Secondary Level (HSL) - Pakistan Social Sciences Review (5(4) | 547-557, 2021)
  20. Teachers’ perceptions on examination malpractice at secondary school level: A Descriptive Investigation - Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review (5(2) | 181-192, 2021)
  21. Impact of learning motivation on students’ academic achievement: Mediating role of constructive feedback - Pakistan Social Sciences Review (5(3) | 472-484, 2021)
  22. Constructive feedback learning motivation and academic achievement in Chemistry subject: Qualitative experiences from classroom intervention - Global Educational Studies Review (VI(I) | 341-353, 2021)
  23. Children’s social emotional and academic behavior during second wave of Covid-19: A perception of South Asian parents - Pakistan Journal of Educational Research (3(2) | 66-81, 2020)
  24. Technology integration and teachers’ professional knowledge with reference to International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)-Standard: A causal study - Journal of Education and Educational development (7(2) | 307-327, 2020)
  25. Constructive feedback and students’ academic achievement: A theoretical framework - New Horizons (14(2) | 175-198, 2020)

Conference Publications

  1. Practices of Authentic Assessment in Science Subject: A Case of Public Sector School of Karachi Pakistan - Global Conference on Research in Education & Social Sciences (GCoRESS): Social Sciences Education and Culture in the Era of Globalization | held at SZABIST | Karachi (2023)
  2. Constructive Feedback: A Key to Maximize Students’ Learning in Chemistry - 1st International Conference on Paradigm Shift in Education: Post Pandemic Approach in Teaching Learning and Assessment (ICPSE-2022) held at University of Sindh (2022)
  3. Constructive feedback to motivate slow learner toward study: A case of public school - 1st International Conference on Research in Special Education (ICORSPE-2021) | held at The Islamic University of Bahawalpur (2021)
  4. Digital citizenship among university students: A comparative study - 9th International Conference on Research in Education (ICORE-2021) held at Institute of Education & Research University of Punjab (2021)
  5. Perception of South Asian Parents about their Children’s Social Emotional and Academic Behavior during Pandemic - 2nd International Virtual Research Conference on Globalization & its impact on society held at Malir University of Science & Technology (2020)
  6. Effects of Constructive Feedback on Students’ academic Achievement: A literature Review - 1st International Conference (Online) on Issues in Management and Social Sciences in the Context of Covid-19 held at Peshawar | Pakistan (2020)
  7. Role of Technology Integration with Reference to International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)-Standards - International Meritorious Multidisciplinary Virtual Conference (IMMVC) held at Lahore | Punjab (2020)
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