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B.Ed 1.5 Years

The B.Ed 1.5-year program is a specialized pathway for individuals already possessing a strong academic background and relevant experience, who aspire to enhance their professional teaching skills. This program is designed for those seeking to deepen their pedagogical understanding and refine their classroom practices in a condensed, yet comprehensive format

Admission Criteria

  • Students with F.A/F.Sc or Equivalent degree with at least 45% marks is eligible to apply.
  • Admissions are granted on the basis of an aptitude test.
  • Minimum Qualifying Marks in the entrance test is 50% (Fifty percent)

Fee Structure

Sr. No Detail of Charges First Semester Fee 2nd to 8th Semester Fee
1 Admission Fee (One-time fee) 3,000 -
2 Tuition Fee 10,000 10,000
3 Security Money (Onetime fee) 2,000 -
4 Examination fee 500 500
5 Identity Card 200 200
6 Lab fee 500 500
7 Sports Fee 500 500
8 Transport Fee 1000 1000
9 Library Fee 500 500
Total 18,200 13,200

Semester Wise Study Plan for B.Ed (1.5 Years)

1st Semester / Bridging Semester (Credit Hours-17)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
GMT-665 Major General Methods of Teaching 3
ICTE-663 Major ICT in Education 3
EP-664 Major Educational Psychology 3
FE-635 Major Foundation of Education 3
CD-636 Major Curriculum Development 3
CM-644 Major Classroom Management 3

2nd Semester (Credit Hours-18)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
IES-671 Interdisciplinary Introduction to Educational Statistics 3
RME-I-672 Major Research Methods in Education-I 3
RME-II-673 Major Research Methods in Education-II 3
HDL-674 Major Human Development and Learning 3
PE-675 Major Philosophy of Education 3
TP-II-676 Major Teaching Practicum-II 3

3rd Semester (Credit Hours-18)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
IHRM-681 Interdisciplinary Introduction to Human Resource Management y 3
TDE-682 Major Test Development & Evaluation 3
EE-683 Interdisciplinary Environmental Education 3
IGC-643 Major Introduction to Guidance and Counselling 3
RP- 684 Capstone Research Project 1. RME-I-672 2. RME-II -673 3
INT-685/ TP-III-685 Field Experience Internship/ Teaching Practicum-III TP-II
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