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B.Ed Honors

Professional education needs life time commitment and intensive training of four years' education such as the engineering, medical and law professions in keeping with the tradition of professional education, a new four-year program B.Ed. (Hons) is presented in the following pages. Program Introduction

In order to make teaching a profession of choice through implementing B.Ed (hons) program developed in 2006, it is imperative to revise the current curriculum to improve the teacher development program further. A teacher in the classroom needs to be competent in the content areas as well as in teaching strategies in order to ensure expected student learning outcomes. As in any profession teachers should be provided the opportunity to practice teaching through interacting with the school and community. In the clinical model of developing teachers as professionals, it is important for that prospective teacher to gain adequate insight into the ground realities of school and classrooms through their attachments in schools and communities.

This rich experience of practice enables prospective teachers to bring a positive attitude in classroom teaching and understanding a plurality of cultures. Practice teaching is a major and joint responsibility of teacher training institutions, schools involving teacher educators, prospective teachers and school teachers. Inclusion of short term training with long term teaching practice will provide an opportunity to prospective teachers to extend their role in the school situation other than classroom teaching.

During their short term teaching practice, prospective teachers can be engaged in administrative activities under supervision such as maintenance of school records and registers, management of laboratories and library, preparation of tests and assignments, admission and selection of students and classroom management, etc. Planning and carrying out an action research activity, engaging in courses like critical thinking and reflective practices, studying contemporary issues and trends in education and involvement of prospective teachers in practical/field work would greatly reduce isolation of the teacher and will develop the habit of inquiry into practice.

This breakthrough is expected to facilitate the process of multiculturalism and pluralism in our education system to bring about social transformation in the society. Hence, a blend of content and pedagogical courses has been provided in the scheme of studies - the two years of graduate courses and two years long professional courses to prepare prospective teachers as professionals in education.

Admission Criteria

  • Students with F.A/F.Sc or Equivalent degree with at least 45% marks is eligible to apply.
  • Admissions are granted on the basis of an aptitude test.
  • Minimum Qualifying Marks in the entrance test is 50% (Fifty percent)

Fee Structure

Sr. No Detail of Charges First Semester Fee 2nd to 8th Semester Fee
1 Admission Fee (One-time fee) 3,000 -
2 Tuition Fee 10,000 10,000
3 Security Money (Onetime fee) 2,000 -
4 Examination fee 500 500
5 Identity Card 200 200
6 Lab fee 500 500
7 Sports Fee 500 500
8 Transport Fee 1000 1000
9 Library Fee 500 500
Total 18,200 13,200

Semester Wise Study Plan for B.Ed Honors (4 Years)

1st Semester (Credit Hours-17)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
ENG-611 General Functional English 3
IS-612/E-612 General Islamic Studies/Ethics 2
QR-I-613 General Quantitative Reasoning-I 3
AICT-614 General Appication of ICT 2 + 1
ECED-615 Major Early Childhood Education and Development 3
GMT-616 Major General Methods of Teaching 3

2nd Semester (Credit Hours-16)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
SGC-621 General Science of Global Challenges 2 + 1
QR-II-622 General Quantitative Reasoning-II Quantitative Reasoning-I 3
ICP-623 General Ideology & Constitution of Pakistan 2
CCE-624 General Civic & Community Engagament 2
CM-625 Major Classroom Management 3
CM-626 Major Classroom Assesment 3

3rd Semester (Credit Hours-16)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
IS-631 General Introduction to Sociology 2
EW-632 General Expository Writing 3
SAS-633 Major School Administration and Supervision 3
ENT-634 General Entrepreneurship 2
CD-363 Major Curriculum Development 3

4th Semester (Credit Hours-17)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
ACC-641 General Art Craft & Calligraphy 2
CTI-642 Major Contemporary Trends & Issues 3
IGC-643 Major Intro to Guidance & Counselling 3
ELM-644 Major Educational Leadership & Management 3
TP-I-645 Major Teaching Practices-I 3
SCT-646 Major School Community & Teacher 3

5th Semester (Credit Hours-18)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
AW-651 Interdisciplinary Academic Writing 3
TS-652 Major Teaching of Social Studies Introduction to Sociology 3
TM-653 Major Teaching of Mathematics Quantitative Reasoning-I & II 3
CE-654 Major Comparative Education 3
CPS-655 Major Communication and Presentation Skills 3
PTE-656 Major Perspective of Teacher Education 3

6th Semester (Credit Hours-18)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
TE-661 Major Teaching of English Functional English 3
RME-662 Major Research Methods in Education 3
ICTE-663 Major ICT in Education Quantitative Reasoning-I & II 3
EP-664 Major Educational Psychology Intro to Psychology 3
TGS-665 Major Teaching of General Science Science of Global Challenges 3
CCE-666 Major Citizenship and Community Engagement 3

7th Semester (Credit Hours-15)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
IES-671 Interdisciplinary Introduction to Educational Statistics 3
IE-672 Major Inclusive Education 3
HDL-673 Major Human Development and Learning 3
PE-674 Major Philosophy of Education 3
TP-II-675 Major Teaching Practicum-II Teaching Practicum-I 3

8th Semester (Credit Hours-15)

Course Code Course Category Course Title Pre-requisite Credit hours
IHRM-681 Interdisciplinary Introduction to Human Resource Management 3
TDE-682 Major Test Development & Evaluation 3
EE-683 Interdisciplinary Environmental Education 3
RP- 684 Capston Research Project Research Methods in Education 3
TP-III-685 Field Experience Internship/ Teaching Practicum-III Teaching Practicum-I & II 3
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